18 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY z To annotate PVDF or nitrocellulose transfer membranes z Reacts with HRP substrates z Fast and sensitive z Compatible with X-ray film and CCD imagers Pre-coloured chemiluminescent marker for Western blotting Part no. Designation € 701100 Pre-stained chemiluminescent marker for Western blot NC - ClearLine® SolidFrame bi-component PCR plates z High quality plates for all PCR and qPCR applications z Rigid polycarbonate frame z Plate rigidity prevents deformation by temperature and the risk of evaporation due to loss of sealing with the film z Ideal for robot handling z Ultra-thin walled blank medical grade polypropylene wells for optimum temperature transfer z HS (high sensitivity) white well model for improved detection of low abundance targets Frame colour Well colour Skirt Style Compatibility Part no. € Standard profile (0.2 ml) Natural Natural Half-skirted ABI 5 257301 NC - Natural White Half-skirted ABI 257302 NC - Natural Natural Half-skirted Universal 3 257298 NC - Natural White Half-skirted Universal 257299 NC - Natural High sensitivity white Half-skirted Universal 257300 NC - Low profile (0.1 ml) White White Half-skirted Roche 6 257311 NC - White White, highly sensitive Half-skirted Roche 257312 NC - Natural Natural Half-skirted Roche 257296 NC - Natural White Half-skirted Roche 257297 NC - White Natural Skirted Standard 8 257308 NC - White White Skirted Standard 257309 NC - White White, highly sensitive Skirted Standard 257310 NC - Black Natural Skirted Standard 257303 NC - Black White Skirted Standard 257304 NC - Black White, highly sensitive Skirted Standard 257305 NC - Frame colour Well colour Skirt Compatibility Part no. € Black Natural Skirted 9 257306 NC - Black White Skirted 257307 NC - White White Skirted 10 257313 NC - 96-well plates 384-well plates Dutscher.com more info Human DNA Fast and easy to use. z 1 sachet makes 1 litre of 1X buffer z No pH adjustment required z Fast running buffer for high voltage electrophoresis (300 - 350 V); allows rapid separation of fragments of less than 5 kb (a conventional 30 min cycle can be completed in only 10 min) ClearLine® powder buffers for nucleic acid electrophoresis Part no. Designation Composition pH Units/box €/ box 257083 Fast running buffer - 8.1-8.5 100 NC -