All-in-one spheroid microplates: aggregation, experimentation and analysis of 3D cell cultures
• Unique well design simplifies handling of spheroids and media
• Ensures reproducible and uniform spheroids
• Ideal for high-resolution imaging
• Compatible with automated systems
Unique Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System in a 96-well format with automation-compatible top-loading.
The world-famous and unique Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System in a 96-well format with automation-compatible top-loading.
• Loading of cell suspension from the top through unique SureDrop™ inlet engineered for highly uniform and stable hanging drops
• Gravity-assisted formation of uniform spheroid/organoid morphology and functionality in long-term cell culture results in one spheroid per well
• Suitable for many cell types, including cells that don't normally form spheroids or organoids on ultra-low attachment surfaces