Find in the range of Condalab culture media and microbiology ingredients for you:
1) Media prepared in tubes
2) Media prepared in bottles
3) Broths
4) Peptone water
5) Agar
6) Miscellaneous
7) Ingredients for culture media (agars, peptones, additives and supplements...)
The products meet the standards of the European Pharmacopoeia (Eu Pharm.), FDA, APHA, USP, AOAC and CeNAN , Stamped by the European Community (CE) and certified ISO 9001: 2000.
• Agars for different applications (microbiology, food, pharmacist and in vitro culture)
• Peptones of vegetable and animal origin with BSE certificates
• Carbohydrates, Glucosides, additives and supplements
The products meet European Pharmacopoeia standards Eu. Pharm.), FDA, APHA, USP, AOAC and CeNAN, stamped in the European Community (EC) and ISO 9001: 2000 certified.
(products sorted alphabetically)