GOOD DEAL ! See the offer valid from 1/1/24 to 12/31/24
Tip! See our guide to compatibility between thermal cyclers and PCR plates
Offre dDéstockage - dans la limite des stocks disponibles - nous consulter
• 8 models available of 96-Well or 384-Well, with touscreen or control screen on the connected cyclers
• The Touchscreen interface model can control up to 8 other units
• Connected cyclers with control screen of the current process, can control up to 9 other units in network (Connection of 3 thermocylers or more, requires to be connected to a Network switch(Ethernet switch))
• Available with silver block, 96-well plate pour une Speed de chauffe ultra rapide 10 °C/s
• 2 blocks selection 96 or 384 Well with high pressure lid for the blocks 100 % dedicated to plates
• Innovative 2D-Gradient for advanced PCR optimization
• L A new highly intuitive software with Auto test and advanced documentation
• 2 year warranty
In order to start a connectable thermocycler, it has to be connected to a touscheen thermocycler: X50s, X50a, X50p or X50h, 1.5 m ethernet cable provided