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Dutscher rewards your loyalty !

Your loyalty deserves our attention

Collect points for every order placed on from your web space and win prizes!
Participation in the loyalty program is of course free !

Create your
web account


Once your web space has been set up
and confirmed by our services, activate your loyalty program in the parameters of your account to start earning points.** 

Place your order


Earn points with every purchase
made on the web.**
1 point acquired 
for every 100 euros (excl. VAT) spent*. 
Take your time to accumulate them,
your points never expire! 

your prizes!


Add your gifts to your cart!
And receive them with your order.

* Excluding delivery costs / Counted per order (2 separate orders at €80 excl. VAT do not equal one order at €160 excl. VAT and do not provide points).

** Not compatible with punchout connection (order not finalised on 
If you validate a cart originated by a requester, the accumulation of points is only made by the requester. The points are only acquired for online orders on, and the points calculation is not retroactive (orders placed before the activation of your loyalty program membership are not taken into account when calculating points). 


Exemples of the gifts offered  


Instax Mini


Vocal Assistant   
Google Nest Hub 2


Pop-Corn machine



“40th anniversary Dutscher”


Lego®/Playmobil® set



Dutscher bottle




Transform your loyalty points to help charities !


Discover the charities