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Cell viability and apoptosis markers

Live cell quantification tests

Simple colorimetric test to determine the number of living cells by absorbance on a microplate reader.

Quantification of cells by luminescence: ATP-Glo™

• Highly sensitive, linear luminescence-based test for quantifying viable mammalian cells according to their ATP level
• Détection à partir de 0,01 pmol d'ATP ou d'une seule cellule viable
• Homogeneous assay for use with cells in culture medium
• Flash-type assay which requires samples to be read in a luminometer immediately after reagent addition, or using a luminescence plate reader with reagent injector

Mitochondrial membrane potential dye

Kit for simultaneous detection of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase-3 activity

Markers for fixed live and dead cells

• Live-or-Dye™ fixable viability dyes designed to discriminate between live and dead cells
• Imperméables aux membranes cellulaires et réactifs aux amines
• Penetrate dead cells with damaged plasma membranes and covalently label them
• les protéines intracellulaires
• Dyes react with the surface proteins of living cells, but as these are much less abundant than intracellular proteins, staining is very weak
• Marquage extrêmement stable
• Cells can be fixed and permeabilised without loss of fluorescence or dye transfer between cells
• 14 brilliant, photostable Live-or-Dye™ dyes for maximum flexibility in multicolour analysis

Detection of caspase activity and induction of apoptosis

• NucView® caspase-3 substrates for real-time detection of apoptosis in intact cells
• N'interfèrent pas avec l'activité des caspases, ce qui permet de suivre l'activité des caspases en temps réel
• Can be fixed with formaldehyde after staining, but cannot be used to stain fixed cells or tissues
• Pour les systèmes de cytométrie en flux, de microscopie à fluorescence ou d'imagerie des cellules vivantes

+ Substrat enzymatique de la caspase-3/7, le peptide DEVD, attaché à un colorant ADN fluorogène : avant le clivage, le colorant est non fluorescent et incapable de se lier à l'ADN
+ The substrate enters the cell cytoplasm where it is cleaved by caspase-3 in apoptotic cells to release the fluorogenic DNA dye, which colours the nucleus

Apoptosis, necrosis and annexin V kits

• Annexin V is a 36 kDa protein with a high affinity for phosphatidylserine (PS)
• Au cours de l'apoptose, la PS est transférée du feuillet interne au feuillet externe de la membrane plasmique, où elle peut être colorée par les conjugués fluorescents de l'annexine V
• Cannot be used with fixed cells or tissues
• Suitable for microscopy and flow cytometry