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Extraction and purification of RNA

NucleoSpin and NucleoSpin plus RNA and miRNA extraction kit MACHEREY-NAGE

• Extraction of RNA or miRNA from various samples (cell culture, bacteria, yeast, human tissue, animal cells, biological fluids, etc.)
• Extraction on silica membrane column by centrifugation
• NucleoSpin RNA Plus Kit, supplied with NucleoSpin column, for removal of genomic DNA avoiding DNase treatment
• For sample quantity < 5 x 106 cells, < 30 mg human or animal tissue, < 109 bacteria or < 108 yeast

Cytiva illustra™ nucleic acid purification

• Isolation d'ARN totaux de haute qualité, pour toute application (exemple : RT-PCR ou qPCR), à partir de divers types d'échantillons
• Préfiltres et DNase inclus
• A partir d'échantillon de culture cellulaire, tissus, bactéries et levures
• Echantillon de tissu jusqu'à 30 mg, pour un rendement de 70 µg
• Echantillon de cellules jusqu'à 5 x 106 cellules, pour un rendement de 70 µg
• Extraction de 6 échantillons en 30 min.
• A 260 / A 280 compris entre 1,8 et 2,2

GeneMATRIX RNA purification kits

Total RNA and miRNA purification kit.

Nippon Genetics FastGene Nucleic Acids Purification

• Total RNA extraction / purification kits
• From cell culture and tissues sample
• Cells sample up to 1 x 107 for a yield of 10 - 20 µg for 1 x 107• Tissue sample up to 20 mg, for a yield of 50 - 100 µg
• Stockage at room temperature


• High quality RNA isolated from 1 ml fresh and frozen, EDTA- or citrate-treated blood
• Fast and simple procedure
• Extraction time: approximately 45 min
• Binding capacity: 20 µg (for 1 ml blood, approx. 8 µg purified total RNA)
• Physical removal of DNA (DNA is bound to a Mini Filter DNA), no DNase treatment
• No β-mercaptoethanol
• High quality RNA suitable for a wide range of different molecular biology applications (RT, northern, RT-qPCR...)


• ARN extraction/purification kit adapted to plant material (up to 100 mg)
• Two lisis buffers to maximize extraction yield
• Fast and simple procedure
• Extraction time: 30 min after homogenization
• Binding capacity: approximately 100 µg RNA
• Physical removal of DNA (DNA is bound to a Mini Filter DNA), no DNase treatment
• No β-mercaptoethanol
• High quality RNA suitable for a wide range of different molecular biology applications (RT, northern, RT-qPCR...)

FastGene Viral RNA Purification Nippon Genetics

• Extraction of viral RNA on silica membrane columns from various samples (biological fluids, plasma, serum, urine, cell culture, etc.)
• Quick and easy protocol
• Ready-to-use RNA for molecular biology applications (RT, RT-qPCR...)