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Probes and SYBR Green

dNTP: deoxyribonucleotides

• dNTP Mix: This ready-to-use mix consists of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (each at a final concentration of 20 mm)
• Set of dNTP: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP solutions (100 mm) in distinct tubes

ABsolute™ qPCR MasterMix Thermo Scientific ABgene®

Mix prêts to l'emploi pour la PCR quantitative, seuls sont requis la matrice and les amorces. Pour réactions de qPCR en SYBR® Green or en Probes.

Master mix Multiplex qPCR (2X) and Master mix Multiplex qPCR (2X) with ROX solution

• Mix for multiplex qPCR with labelled hydrolysis probes, suitable for use with most real-time thermal cyclers
• Up to 5 targets can be detected simultaneously in the same tube (depending on the number of channels in the thermal cycler used)
• Contains onTaq hot start DNA polymerase, optimised buffer and dNTPs (dTTP partially replaced by dUTP)
• Heat-labile Uracile N-glycosylase (UNG) provided to limit the risk of cross-contamination (optional use)
• Available with ROX dye (separate tube) for standardisation

Mix HOT FIREPol Multiplex qPCR 5X

• Mix for qPCR with hydrolysis probes (TaqMan type®) from 1 to 4 targets in the same reaction
• Contains HOT FIREPol hot start DNA polymerase
• High specificity and sensitivity
• Amplification of high GC targets
• Mix containing dUTP for possible treatment with Uracile N-glycosylase (not supplied)
• Available without or with a dye for normalisation, ROX or Purple (Cy5 channel)