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Radioactivity protection

Boxes for radioactive tips

Acrylic boxes for the collection of radioactive tips.

Protection containers

Acrylic waste containers, supplied with a 2 litre Nalgene bottle. Thickness: 9 mm.

Anti-bêta waste containers

Waste containers which can hold:
• the 20 litre Nalgene bottles (large model);
• the 10 litre bottles (small model);
• as well as cardboard waste boxes.

Anti-bêta protection screen

Anti-beta protection screen with a wide base acting as a tray for samples. Straight and then tilted for a better view of the completed work. Thickness: 9.5 mm.

TFD decontaminating foam

Effective during all radioisotope decontamination procedures commonly used in nuclear medicine (Technetium Tc 99, Thallium Tl 201, Gallium Ga 67, Indium In 111, Iode I 131), in research laboratories (Carbone C 14, Chrome Cr 51, Tritium T 3, Iode I 125, Phosphore P 32, Xenon Xe 131, Yttrium Y90)

Ingredients: surfactants: anionic and non-ionic surfactants, chelating agents, propellant stabilisers: butane / propane mixture

Beta-safe paper

• Activated carbon paper to absorb volatile radioisotopes (35S)
• Avoids laboratory contamination

Stainless Steel Benchtop Biohazard Dosposal Can

• Stainless Steel
• With motion sensor lid
• Biohazard Label
• ø x h: 12,7 x 19 cm

Chemical spill response kits

• Emergency response kits, in case of a chemical spill
• Wide range of chemical resistance (see resistance guides on the website)