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Sample bottle with attached cap
Detectable vial
Attached cape bottle
White PTFE pot
50 and 100 ml bottle Steriware®
Steriware Single-Use Jar® for powder
Straight container with screw cap
ClearLine® containers
Wide-mouth specimen containers
Sterile flasks individually packaged
Urine containers
60 ml polystyrene or polypropylene containers
Polypropylene screw cap containers
Polyethylene flasks with screw cap
Container with screw cap
Polypropylene containers
Polypropylene containers
Sampling pots
Polypropylene screw top containers
Ointment containers
Polypropylene screw cap containers
Polypropylène screw-cap container
Multipurpose screw-cap container
Sample bottle PP white
Polypropylene containers with safety closing
Polystyrene containers
Flasks with tab
Straight container with screw cap
DispoDipper sample jars
Flasks with hinged lid
Wide opening jars Nalgene