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Up/down counter with snap hook
Digital stopwatch
Traceable stopwatch®
Detectable stapler
Detectable stopwatch
Timer / Stopwatch Traceable®
3 channel timers - counter / 2 counters
Waterproof digital stopwatch
Digital stopwatch, 30 memories
Digital stopwatch 1 Display line
Economic chronometer
Quartz table-top counter
Counters - down counters time and decimal
Jumbo Timer down counter
Large format dual timer
Timers with 2 or 4 channels
Miniature countdown counter
Timer with clasp
Up/down counter
4-channel timer
Touchscreen countdown/up timer
ClearTime II ClearLine® timer
Pocket countdown timer
ClearTime I Timer - ClearLine® Timer
4 channel countdown timer
Digital counter / down counter with flashing or audible alarm
Double countdown counter
Double display digital count up/down timer
Digital count up / down timer - 3 memories
Counter/3 down counters
Triple Timer
Triple Timer down counter